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23 September 2021

Staying Up to Date with Instagram

Some updates that you may have missed out on this September

Instagram Updates September

Instagram continues to spring new surprises and updates every now and then. Find out what’s new on the platform that you may not have known about.

New and Improved Instagram Search 

The Instagram algorithm has changed tremendously in the past few years. If you have yet to include Instagram SEO in your marketing strategy, you could be missing out on a great opportunity.

Here’s what you should take note of to get a leg up on your competitors: 

  • Identify keywords. Include commonly-used keywords in your usernames, profile bios, captions, hashtags and places. Instagram matches the search keywords with what you type on the platform.

  • Add Alt Text.  Similar to Google SEO, the Instagram update allows users to add alternative text to their images to make them more accessible. You can find them in the advanced settings when uploading an image to enhance the Instagram SEO.

  • Establish KPIs. Using the Instagram native analytic tool will help you understand the results from the optimisation you have done. Keep tracking your KPIs against the SEO strategy that you have put in place to help you understand the platform better.


Instagram Retires Swipe Up Feature

Searching for the Swipe Up feature? Instagram has replaced them with Link Stickers in Instagram Stories and here’s the best part—it is available to all profiles regardless of the follower count!

Similarly to the Swipe Up feature, the Link Stickers allow businesses to add a link to their Instagram Story. Story viewers can then open a link by tapping on the sticker. 

Sponsored Ads in Shopping Tab 

Facebook, the parent company of Instagram, has made a huge investment into its eCommerce platform by introducing Facebook shops, a feature that is accessible through both Facebook and Instagram. Previously, businesses were not able to create sponsored ads in the shopping tab. 

These ads can be displayed as a single image or as a carousel and are of course, shoppable. By clicking on these sponsored ads, users will be redirected to the product page, where they can be informed in more detail about the product they clicked on.

Giving Users More Control: Instagram Likes Count​

In an attempt to make the platform experience more pleasant, Instagram is offering its users the option to remove the like counts on posts. Users have an option to hide like counts on all content posted on the feed so others can’t see how many likes your posts get and also, have the option to not be able to look at the like counts of content if they do not wish to view.

This allows users to focus on the photos and videos that are being shared instead of how many likes posts get.



Every single day, we are churning out content, ideas, briefs, copies, game mechanics. What if some days, you just CAN’T think of new ideas no matter how many breaks you took in a day, and how many cat videos you’ve scrubbed through? 🧠💨

Valentine’s Day may be over, but we had an amazing time celebrating with our colleagues (safely) on Google Meets. Keep reading to see how it went!

Move aside, IDK and LOL, there’s a new acronym that’s taking the world by storm. NFT.  Everyone’s talking about it but what exactly is it about? If you haven’t heard about the new IT thing that’s all the rage in the digital space, it’s time to step out and discover